IKMA UT Jabar Berhasil Menggelar Webinar “How to Branding Yourself in Digital Era”

5 Cara Membangun Personal Branding Yang Kuat di Era Digital Oleh Maysaroh

1. Figure Out Your Goal
– What do you want your personal brand to help you accomplish
– Are you loooking to change jobs into a new industry, and you need your brand to reflect a new skill set?
– Are you looking to get a promotion at your current organization?

Bacaan Lainnya

2. Get Clear On What You Want To Be Known For
Core Values
In other words, how do you want people to describe you as a professional? Make a fundamental. Authenticity is the key
Personal Branding Goals
* Increase Awareness
* Generate leads
* Grow Your Network
* Leverage media & collaboration
* Monetize your digital presence
* Find speaking or publishing

3. Also, Ask Yourself These Question
– What do you do? (It’s not always about a job) how and why behind your work
– What are the things that make you unique
– Are there specific talents and expertise you’ve acquired?
– What do you know more about than most people?
– What makes me credible?

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