5 Cara Membangun Personal Branding Yang Kuat di Era Digital Oleh Maysaroh
1. Figure Out Your Goal
– What do you want your personal brand to help you accomplish
– Are you loooking to change jobs into a new industry, and you need your brand to reflect a new skill set?
– Are you looking to get a promotion at your current organization?
2. Get Clear On What You Want To Be Known For
Core Values
In other words, how do you want people to describe you as a professional? Make a fundamental. Authenticity is the key
Personal Branding Goals
* Increase Awareness
* Generate leads
* Grow Your Network
* Leverage media & collaboration
* Monetize your digital presence
* Find speaking or publishing
3. Also, Ask Yourself These Question
– What do you do? (It’s not always about a job) how and why behind your work
– What are the things that make you unique
– Are there specific talents and expertise you’ve acquired?
– What do you know more about than most people?
– What makes me credible?
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